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Posted on 14 Nov 2013 7:08 pm

The Minister's Advisory Group said in it's conclusions:
" Recommendation 6: The eligibility criteria for non-income support based activation
and training schemes should be modified to enable self-employed people gain
access to such schemes, if they do not qualify for jobseeker’s payments. "
On the same subject the Citizens Board Information Social Policy Report ' Hard Times for the Self -Employed ( 2012)
said " The fact that Jobseeker’s Allowance (JA) is not only a key income support provision but also, and very
importantly, a qualifying payment for access to a
range of training, education and work experience
options was highlighted. Thus qualifying for even a
minimum payment is significant in that it opens up a
range of options for selfâemployed people."

This means those former self -emplployed who have failed the means test for Jobseekers Allownce are unable to register as unemployed and are unable to access nay of the re-training and re-education schemes at the unemployed particularily at the long term unemployed. These people cannot even prove they are unemployed if they cannot get registered as unemployed on the Live Register !

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