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robert mullen
Posted on 10 Oct 2013 2:05 am

Survivors of State and Religious abuse have had NO say to these funds what so ever they were IMPOSED upon us plus REDRESS as this Minister Knows IS seen as SAVINGS regarding sufficent needs in community welfare departments this can be proven. We ACTUAL SURVIVORS SAY Minister Quinn you called us the walking wounded, the damaged the hurt the suffering the pain and we continue to to suufer these but Minister REDRESS SEEN AS SAVINGS? and your 50 50 deal to grab the most need support for the what you call and recognized. You Minister as the previous Party have given survivors of STATE ABUSE the wrong diagnoses you both gave us education for our sufferings yet we pay for medicines forteeth and everything by which we still suffer todate this is to your shame Miniaster and who was it you were proud of on theis Board of the Statutory fund? now kicked out we hear and another resigned and the right of place group forced out by
another group and money gone missing from that Group and this is JUSTICE MINISTER????? NO IT IS HELL

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