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Car. H.
Posted on 1 Oct 2013 1:44 am

I would like your help in answering the following. I have been refused a mortgage of 103,00 to buy out my council dwelling that I have been in for 19 years, I will never have this opportunity again at the age of 41 my time to obtain a mortgage is running out. My council's housing dept. in DLRCOCO had told me that if I had 2 refusals of mortgage applications that I could apply for a tenant house purchase loan ..... then they too refused me based on poor credit rating that I had when I was down on my luck & was late paying off a couple of loans ( over a period of time) at the time i was a single parent ( for 13 years ) I have never been out of work since the age of 17, I have always worked full time & paid my way in society. I continue to do so ONLY now have the added expense of bailing out THE BANKS & paying ministers wages through my hefty taxes, usf, paye, prsi, i am also a victim of having an extra €30 p/wk deducted from my wages because the JMB decided because I work in a school building I have to give back this money to my employers??? etc.. etc... & The Bank MY BANK that I have been with for 20 years AIB have refused me a mortgage based on poor credit rating for little itty bitty loans years & years ago. Myself & my husband both work & it is the right time for us to buy ..... with a council discount coming off the price of the value of my house we had the opportunity to buy @ 103,000 & imagine we were refused again & again the chance of a mortgage. AIB want / EXPECT you to have 10% of the value of said house in your bank account, then THEY of all establishments want you to have a perfect unblemished credit history & because of them my chance of ever getting on the property ladder has been cruelly taken away from us as a family. I would like help & assistance from every angle & the promise to have the opportunity to buy my house. At them moment I am paying more weekly council rent than I would be if I was re-paying a mortgage.... where is the sense in that. Surely with all your power & knowledge you can give me advice that will ensure that I SUCCESSFULLY obtained a mortgage or chance to own my present council dwelling.
i am a dlrcoco tenant of 19 yrs

I await your reply, advice & useful suggestions.

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