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Martin Finn
Posted on 22 Jul 2011 5:00 pm

I have a question.

I have heard that the Ambulance in Youghal is to be removed. I am certain that the real reason is to save money. I am equally certain that removing Ambulance cover from Youghal will mean that people will die. Not faceless people, but members of my community, maybe even of my own family, maybe me. People will die because the proposed emergency cover will not bring immediate and considerable aid to those who've suffered severe trauma. And with the new plan, even in a best case scenario, no-one will be delivered to A&E in less than an hour. No-one ever.... and that's the best case. This is why I am certain that people here will die. And so I ask.

How many people here in Youghal have to die, for want of an ambulance, before you decide to re-instate our Ambulance service?

Is one extra death enough, or would it take more?

How many lives of Youghal people does it take to equate to the savings you want to make?

Martin Finn

(no political affiliation)

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