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Noel O Ca
Posted on 7 Oct 2010 6:19 pm

What is the Minister Ahern talking about?

There is NO CTA within these two islands that is often compared with internal Schengen. Irish people returning here from any part of the U.K. (or by air from internal Ireland) are intimidated into producing their valid up to date passports to the Garda Officer as if they were arriving from Abu Dhabi (outside the CTA, Schengen, Europe etc)

Note how no opposition TD raised her/his voice in discussion on API that slipped through yesterday....this means that Irish people will eventually be obliged to seek permission in advance -up to a week - before boarding a flight for Ireland.
When arriving from Outer Mongolia this is no problem but when arriving from Bruxelles (European Union) then, not only is it inconvenient but it conflicts with the right of freedom of movement when engaging in inter Union travel. The European Commission emphasises that the only control that can /is enforced is a simple passport check on the border...when travelling within the European Union. The U.K. has been forced to drop its API.........

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