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Jennifer O'Dea
Posted on 30 Jun 2010 11:14 pm

It may be useful to add a link to the leaflet Ms Harney!!

Details of Lyme disease can be found at:

There you can find a fact sheet, links to the EPI-Insight article on the Under Diagnosis of Lyme in Ireland (as referred to by Ms Harney) and also the newly updated leaflet (as also mentioned) raising public awareness.

Lyme can be very serious if not caught early so recognition of the dangers of ticks and knowledge of the signs & symptoms is key (warning, not ALL early Lyme cases will show as a rash). Be on the alert for general ill health following a tick bite, especially if it involves flueyness or joint pains. No need to fear the great outdoors, just remember that nettles can sting and ticks can bite - be aware and take precautions!

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