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Carolyn Gaughan
Posted on 24 Jun 2010 6:02 pm

My husband fell to his death last May, 2009, and another woman fell to her death in Sept. 2009 from the same spot. Both families have been asking to have some type of barrier put in that particular area, but they have decided it would take away from the site. How many more people have to die before they do something. They can use the rocks from the island to put up some sort of barrier, and that would not deter from the site. Go to UTube and check out "The fabrication of Skellig Michael" When we were going to visit the site, we called for reservations, no one told us the site was not open to visitors at that time, there were no guides or medical personnel on the island, also there was a dispute between the boat operators and the OPW, and I understand they weren't licensed at that time to take people out to the island. I have read some posts on other sites where people have said maybe they should ban Americans!! What a shame they feel that way, because Americans add to the tourism of Ireland. Maybe going public to warn people who travel to Ireland to stay away from Skellig Michael would help.I am so upset that someone would think so little of a human life. I will not rest, nor will the other family, until they do something to protect visitors on the Island. We do not want another family to go through what we have, and will continue to go through. Can you imagine seeing one of your loved ones falling from a cliff and not being able to do anything to help!!!!! PLEASE PUT UP SOMETHING TO PROTECT VISITORS TO THE ISLAND!!!!!!

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