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Eanna O Cochlain
Posted on 23 Jul 2017 10:45 am

Mr Cannon I note that in your comments you mentioned that this framework would benefit the people of the Philippines but it does not specifically mention how it will help the hundreds of European /US and other foreigners to escape the cruel and horribly corrupt practices common in the Philippines, namely the malicius prosecution of foreigners that is and has been for a long time normal practice here and has been widely published here.
The systematic planting of illegal contraband such as small quantities of drugs or bullets called "tanim bala" and "tanim droga" is widely published and has even been condemned by President Rodrigo Duterte even prior to his election to office. He has sacked many airport staff or exiled them to remote provinces and has not lived up to his promise to make them swallow their own bullets.
In case you have not heard of my case I will give you a brief account here because I have now been trapped here in the Philippines for over four years fighting all the way to a notorious Supreme court where my case languishes most likely forever. I am a victim of "tanim droga"
I am or should I say ,was an Intensive care cardio vascular nurse and mental health nurse specialized in advanced forms of drug addiction treatment in UK and also for the Australian Gov.
I have been sentenced to 14 years prison for an alleged possession of 0.38 grams of leaf marijuana but which in reality was planted on me by a corrupt airport immigration officer in collusion with a relative (ex police officer} of my Filipino wife of 23 years
I am in poor health and the Supreme court ruling could occur any day which would send me to jail in a stinking crowded penal system thats THE worst in the world.
The duration of the sentence will matter little to me as will the new frame work because I will be on HUNGER strike from the very first day of jailing and could not be reasonably expected to live long at my age of 57.
I soundly condemn any such framework with the Philippines which blindly ignores the widely publicized comment s of President Duterte where he has poured scorn on the EU Human Rights Committee and that of the US and his own country.
I am in hiding now where not even my own wife or Consulate knows where I am because of the death squads in this insane war on drugs that could never possibly work.
I would also like to comment on the difficulties that highly qualified and experienced Irish nurses who attempt to register with the Irish nursing board have great difficulty doing so yet nurses from such countries often with questionable and often fake documents have no problem at all getting registered after passing through Hon. Consular " scrutiny" by their fellow countrymen and not directly by patriotic Irish citizens.
The consequences of such practice can be dire as evidenced by the 2 serial killers both fake nurses from the Philippines who were finally apprehended in UK.
I can say with confidence Sir that if you had lived and worked with or in the Philippines for even six months you would take great great care when promoting irish / Philippines relations due to the on going and syndicated corruption and malicious prosecution of foreigners.

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