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Jim O'Sullivan
Posted on 3 Mar 2017 4:51 pm

Varadkar stated previously that he recognised the gross unfairness that resulted from the 2012 changes to the method of assessing entitlement. Those changes resulted in a small number of pensioners being singled out for massive cuts in their entitlements. The fairest way to reduce the pension costs was to cut equally across the board if such a cut was justifiable but this would have meant a serious threat to the election prospects of Fine Gael/Labour candidates so they took the cowardly way and lumped the entire cut onto a small number of citizens. It is grossly unfair, and discriminatory, that a person with more contributions should be getting a smaller pension than a person with fewer contributions and that must be addressed.It must also be stated here that it is women who predominately bore the brunt of this dreadful cut.

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