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Galway Tent
Posted on 4 Dec 2009 6:00 pm

Below is an example of immediately available info
from a public salaries database.

There is no delay.
There is no apparent evasion.
There is transparency.
The public data is on-line.

Why is the Civil Service HR database not online?
This could reduce the Red Herring of 'public' vs 'private' pay,
a conflict created by spin-meisters to deflect from core issues.

Here is an example of on-line info from another government:

Browne Michael J
Sergeant III
Police Department
Total: $283,139
San Francisco


More generally on truthful-government:
Would Green-FF ever be so open on the DDDA or on the Poolbeg Incinerator, two areas in apparent control of TD Gormley?

When questioned in the Dail on either DDDA or on the Poolbeg Incinerator TD Gormley appears to always have curiously convenient 'legal restricions' for doing nothing or for delaying.

WRT Poolbeg, TD Creighton politely stated in Dail, Dec 2, 2009: "I do not understand the Minister�s motive or purpose".

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