Project Maths


Project Maths involves the introduction of revised syllabuses for both Junior and Leaving Certificate Mathematics. It involves changes to what students learn in mathematics, how they learn it and how they will be assessed. Project Maths aims to provide for an enhanced student learning experience and greater levels of achievement for all. Much greater emphasis will be placed on student understanding of mathematical concepts, with increased use of contexts and applications that will enable students to relate mathematics to everyday experience. The initiative will also focus on developing students’ problem-solving skills. Assessment will reflect the different emphasis on understanding and skills in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Led by the NCCA the initiative began in September 2008, with the start-up of Project Maths in an initial group of 24 schools. These schools are key players in the process of curriculum development. Their work helps the NCCA to learn from schools how the proposed revisions to the syllabus work in classrooms. Their work leads to the development of teaching and learning resources and assessment instruments. The Mathematics syllabuses will be introduced by strand as follows: 1. Statistics and Probability 2. Geometry and Trigonometry 3. Number 4. Algebra 5. Functions The first two strands which have been worked on in the 24 schools will be introduced nationally for incoming first year and fifth year students in September 2010.

contributed by user Pea nut

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