Dáil debates

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

  • Bord na Móna (4 speeches)
    In the short time available, I wish to summarise where Bord na Móna has come from, where it is at and where it is going, and specifically thereafter to make request of the Government as a...
  • Medicinal Products (4 speeches)
    The Mazars report was commissioned in 2018 and completed and furnished to the Department of Health in January 2020.Three years later, it has not been published. The report arose as a result of...
  • Health Services (4 speeches)
    I am raising the urgent need to locate a Gallium PET CT scanning machine in Cork. Gallium scans are essential for the detection of tumours for certain types of cancers. I have been contacted by...
  • Asylum Seekers (4 speeches)
    I am glad to have the opportunity to raise this issue again. I am asking the Minister quite directly to put additional resources into rural communities that are taking in and seeing increased...