Dáil debates

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

  • Employment Support Services (4 speeches)
    The reason I raise this issue is that the workers in placement and the staff in this very successful service located in my neighbourhood of Bluebell, but covering all of Dublin west, have been...
  • Aviation Industry (4 speeches)
    I thank the Minister of State for agreeing to take this Topical Issue matter tonight. Two weeks ago, I spoke at an aviation conference held in County Clare. On the Wednesday evening we had what...
  • Vacant Properties (10 speeches)
    My Fine Gael colleagues and I from around the country want to raise this very important matter of vacant and derelict houses that could and should be converted to homes for people. In 2015, I...
  • Housing Provision (8 speeches)
    I note that the Minister, Deputy Darragh O'Brien, is in the Seanad at present. That is probably why he is not here in the Chamber. I am aware the Minister of State played a role in the...