Dáil debates
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
- Employment Support Services (4 speeches)
I appreciate the opportunity to raise the issue of genuine confusion about eligibility for JobBridge. I refer, specifically, to the eligibility of young graduates. JobBridge is acknowledged to... - Alcohol Products Tax (4 speeches)
I draw the attention of the House to the increase in off-licence sales and decrease in on-licence sales and to some of the consequences of this for the State. Official figures from the Revenue... - General Practitioner Services (5 speeches)
I thank the Ceann Comhairle for putting this matter on the agenda and ensuring it will be addressed by the Minister. This is a very important issue to County Donegal which has been leading to... - Accident and Emergency Services (5 speeches)
Tá mé fíor-buíoch don Cheann Comhairle as ucht seans a thabhairt dom labhairt ar an ábhar dáiríre seo. Cé go bhfuil áthas orm go bhfuil an Aire Stáit anseo linn, tá mé míshásta...