Dáil debates

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

3:00 am

Photo of Brendan HowlinBrendan Howlin (Wexford, Labour)
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I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Willie Penrose - the need to defer the implementation of the electronic tagging of sheep; (2) Deputy Michael Ring - to ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when consent and advice will be given by his Department to the OPW so that proposed flood mitigation works in the Roundfort-Hollymount area of County Mayo will proceed and if he will make a statement on the matter; (3) Deputy James Bannon - the implementation of the River Shannon basin management plan; (4) Deputy Ulick Burke - the works that will take place in south Galway to prevent a recurrence of flooding; (5) Deputy Tom Sheahan - the need to have the PET scanner at Cork University Hospital operational; (6) Deputy Ciarán Lynch - the provision of a new school for Ballygarvan national school, County Cork; (7) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan - to ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he has been briefed by Teagasc regarding a proposed restructuring of the organisation; (8) Deputy Lucinda Creighton - the impact of recent budgetary measures to reduce PRSI benefits for dental, optical and aural treatment; (9) Deputy Michael McGrath - that the Government would urgently address the issue of the excessive remuneration being paid to chief executives in the commercial semi-State sector; (10) Deputy Brian O'Shea - the need to provide interpreters for five deaf people who wish to pursue courses at Waterford Institute of Technology; (11) Deputy Noel J. Coonan - to ask the Minister of State with special responsibility for mental health, Deputy Moloney, if he can outline his Department's proposals for the delivery of mental health services, both acute and community-based, in north Tipperary following HSE proposals to close St. Michael's unit in Clonmel - which currently provides acute psychiatric services for both north and south Tipperary - and if his department plans to provide capital funding for proposed high dependency psychiatric units in north Tipperary; (12) Deputies Joe Costello and Jan O'Sullivan - the problems at accident and emergency departments; (13) Deputy Chris Andrews - reports indicate that chewing gum accounts for one quarter of all food litter dropped on streets, and last year alone Dublin City Council spent €37 million cleaning up Dublin's streets. In the current economic climate, much needed funds should not have to be spent on cleaning up chewing gum. Following the recent expiration of an agreed three-year awareness campaign, a levy on chewing gum should now be implemented; (14) Deputy Kieran O'Donnell - to call on the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to outline his plans for funding the Limerick regeneration project for 2010; and (15) Deputy Thomas Byrne - the admittance of fathers to antenatal appointments, scans and the labour ward at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, County Louth, and other hospitals.

The Matters raised by Deputies Tom Sheahan, Joe Costello and Jan O'Sullivan, Thomas Byrne and Ciarán Lynch have been selected for discussion.