Dáil debates
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar 2.30 p.m.
- Priority Questions (0 speeches)
- Offshore Exploration (12 speeches)
Question 1: To ask the Minister for Communications; Energy and Natural Resources if he intends issuing offshore oil and gas exploration licences in the near future on foot of submissions...
- Sale of State Assets (35 speeches)
Question 2: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources his views on proposals to sell parts of the ESB; if he has made any decisions on this matter; and if he will make...
- Alternative Energy Projects (23 speeches)
Question 3: To ask the Minister for Communications; Energy and Natural Resources if he has considered the development of a wood biomass industry to offset home heating oil imports, to create...
- Other Questions (0 speeches)
- Energy Prices (14 speeches)
Question 5: To ask the Minister for Communications; Energy and Natural Resources the extent to which he has been apprised of proposed gas and electricity price increases; the reasons given for...
- Sale of State Assets (26 speeches)
Question 6: To ask the Minister for Communications; Energy and Natural Resources his view that following the publication of the McCarthy Report on State Assets which recommends that ESB's...
- Offshore Exploration (15 speeches)
Question 7: To ask the Minister for Communications; Energy and Natural Resources the quantity of gas produced from the three fields of Kinsale, Ballycotton and Seven Heads, in County Cork; the...
- Messages from Seanad Éireann (1 speech)
Seanad Éireann has passed the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2011, without amendment, the Criminal Justice Bill 2011, without amendment, the Criminal Justice (Community Service)...
- Topical Issue Matters (1 speech)
The following are the matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case:(1) Deputy Michelle Mulherin - to ask the Minister (a) to...
- Topical Issue Debate (41 speeches)
We now move on to our new Topical Issue debate. Before I call the Deputies in question I wish to make a brief point. This is the first time that the new procedure has taken place. The current...
- Suspension of Member (6 speeches)
I move: "That Deputy John Halligan be suspended from the service of the Dáil."
- Topical Issue Debate (Resumed) (0 speeches)
- Job Losses (6 speeches)
I would like to use my time in this House to best serve the people of Waterford who have been neglected for a decade in terms of industrial investment in the city and the region. Along with my...
- Meitheal Forbartha na Gaeltachta (20 speeches)
Before I commence, may I ask if the Minister of State, Deputy O'Dowd, has direct responsibility for the Partnership Programme? My understanding was that under this new Topical Issue Debate, the...
- Suicide Incidence (4 speeches)
According to the recently published provisional figures on suicide rates for 2010, 486 people died by suicide that year. For every individual who died, ten people were directly traumatised. For...
- Hospital Waiting Lists (11 speeches)
I thank the Ceann Comhairle for selecting this vital issue for discussion. Some days ago we heard the shocking revelation that the number of people waiting longer than three months for a...
- Leaders' Questions (81 speeches, 1 comment)
We start a new Dáil term today-----
- Appointment of Ministers of State (1 speech)
I wish to announce, for the information of the Dáil, the following changes to titles and functions of Ministers of State in Departments: the Government has assigned Deputy Dinny McGinley to be...
- Order of Business (67 speeches)
It is proposed to take No. 11, motion re ministerial rota for parliamentary questions; No. 12, motion re leave to introduce Supplementary Estimate [Vote 42]; No. 13, motion re referral of...
- Tributes to Usher of the Houses of the Oireachtas (3 speeches)
Members who have been here for several years will know Mr. Paul Barry started his career as an usher in 1979. He progressed to team leader and retired on 31 August this year after 32 years of...
- Ministerial Rota for Parliamentary Questions: Motion (1 speech)
I move: That, notwithstanding anything in the Order of the Dáil of 9 March 2011, setting out the rota in which Questions to members of the Government are to be asked, Questions for oral answer,...
- Supplementary Estimates 2011: Leave to Introduce (1 speech)
I move: That leave be given by the Dáil to introduce the following Supplementary Estimate for the service of the year ending on the 31st day of December, 2011:– Vote 42 — Public Expenditure...
- Supplementary Estimates 2011: Referral to Select Sub-Committee (1 speech)
I move: That, subject to leave being given to introduce the following Supplementary Estimate for the service of the year ending on 31 December 2011, the Supplementary Estimate be referred to the...
- An Bille um an Naoú Leasú is Fiche ar an mBunreacht (Tuarastal Breithiúna), 2011 — Ordú don Dara Céim / Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Judges' Remuneration) Bill 2011 — Order for Second Stage (1 speech)
Bille dá ngairtear Acht chun an Bunreacht a leasú.
- An Bille um an Naoú Leasú is Fiche ar an mBunreacht (Tuarastal Breithiúna), 2011 — An Dara Céim / Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Judges' Remuneration) Bill 2011 — Second Stage (49 speeches)
Tairgim: "Go léifear an Bille an Dara hUair anois." I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." I thank colleagues for agreeing to consider this legislation at an early stage. Deputies...
- Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
- Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy: Motion (24 speeches)
I move: That Dáil Éireann: - notes that recent proposals being discussed on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform will have a detrimental impact on Ireland's agricultural sector and that...
- An Bille um an Naoú Leasú is Fiche ar an mBunreacht (Tuarastal Breithiúna) 2011: Céim an Choiste agus na Céimeanna a bheidh Fágtha / Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Judges' Remuneration) Bill 2011: Committee and Remaining Stages (18 speeches)
Before Committee Stage commences, I would like to deal with a procedural matter relating to Bills to amend the Constitution. The substance of the debate on Committee Stage relates to the wording...
- Ráiteas faoi Eolas do Vótálaithe: Tairiscint / Statement for Information of Voters: Motion (1 speech)
Tairgim: GO ndéanfar an ráiteas a leagtar amach sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Rún seo a fhorordú mar fhaisnéis do vótálaithe de bhun alt 23 d'Acht an Reifrinn, 1994 (Uimh. 12 de 1994), i...