Dáil debates
Wednesday, 2 February 2005
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar 10.30 a.m.
- Leaders' Questions. (31 speeches)
Will the Taoiseach report to the House on his meeting with the British Prime Minister yesterday and the briefing both Prime Ministers were given by the Garda Commissioner and the Chief Constable...
- Ceisteanna — Questions. (0 speeches)
Computerisation Programme.
- Computerisation Programme. (11 speeches)
Question 1: To ask the Taoiseach if he will report on the progress to date of the implementation of the e-Cabinet project; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32026/04]
- Official Engagements. (46 speeches)
Question 2: To ask the Taoiseach the main purpose of his planned visit to China; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33211/04]
- Request to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31. (8 speeches)
Before coming to the Order of Business I propose to deal with a number of notices under Standing Order 31. I call Deputy Arthur Morgan.
- Order of Business. (46 speeches)
It is proposed to take No. 16, statements on European Council, Brussels; No. 15, Disability Bill 2004 — Second Stage (resumed); and No. 1, Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004 — Second...
- European Council Meetings: Statements. (37 speeches)
I attended the European Council in Brussels on 16 and 17 December 2004. I was accompanied by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Dermot Ahern, and the Minister of State with responsibility...
- Disability Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (4 speeches)
Question again proposed: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."
- Ceisteanna — Questions (Resumed). (0 speeches)
- Priority Questions. (0 speeches)
US Military Intervention.
- US Military Intervention. (6 speeches)
Question 87: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he has had discussions with his counterparts in the European Union regarding recent statements from the highest levels in the US...
- Humanitarian Relief. (9 speeches)
Question 88: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the Government's medium to long-term proposals with regard to aid for the victims of the recent tragic tsunami in south-east Asia and...
- Overseas Development Aid. (12 speeches)
Question 89: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the reason he has decided to produce a White Paper on development assistance. [3041/05]
- Middle East Peace Process. (4 speeches)
Question 90: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he has met or spoken with the new president of the Palestinian Authority; the steps the Government will take to assist in the development...
- Overseas Missions. (15 speeches)
Question 91: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will report on his discussions with the Foreign Affairs Ministers of other EU states regarding EU battlegroups; and if he will make a...
- Other Questions. (0 speeches)
Humanitarian Relief.
- Humanitarian Relief. (92 speeches)
Question 92: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will report on the Irish aid effort to Asia following the tsunami disaster; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2808/05]
- EU Constitution. (5 speeches)
Question 95: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the timescale within which the new EU constitution will be put to referendum; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2622/05]
- Adjournment Debate Matters. (1 speech)
I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Durkan — if the...
- Disability Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (51 speeches)
Question again proposed: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."
- Private Members' Business. (0 speeches)
Agri-food Sector: Motion (Resumed).
- Adjournment Debate. (0 speeches)
Job Losses.
- Job Losses. (2 speeches)
A total of 70 manufacturing jobs have been lost in the past week at the Saehan media plant in Sligo. This brings the total number of job losses in the past 12 months in this company to 170. I...
- Rail Network. (6 speeches)
I am grateful for the opportunity to raise the important issue of the forthcoming temporary closure of weekend DART services to south Dublin and north Wicklow. There was no warning about this...
- Community Development. (2 speeches)
I thank the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform for attending personally as it is essential he addresses this matter urgently if funds already committed to St.Munchin's family resource...
- Waste Disposal. (4 speeches)
I had hoped my constituency colleague, the Minister, Deputy McDowell, would not leave the House because this matter concerns him.