Dáil debates
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Taoiseach a Ainmniú (Atógáil) - Nomination of Taoiseach (Resumed)
2:45 am
Mairéad Farrell (Galway West, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source
Is onóir mhór dom é seasamh os bhur gcomhair inniu agus an Teachta Mary Lou McDonald a ainmniú mar Thaoiseach. Inniu, táimid ag teacht le chéile chun Rialtas na Dála seo a thoghadh. Teastaíonn Taoiseach a thuigeann na deacrachtaí atá againn sa tír seo ach chomh maith leis sin a fheiceann na deiseanna gur féidir linn a chothú chun saol agus tír i bhfad Éireann níos fearr a chruthú. Is é sin an cineál ceannaire a bheadh i gceist leis an Teachta Mary Lou McDonald mar Thaoiseach.
It is an incredible honour to nominate Deputy Mary Lou McDonald as Taoiseach today - a woman who has shown real leadership, as leader of the Opposition and as uachtarán Shinn Féin, building our party across all 32 counties and building our team right here in the Dáil.
Central to Mary Lou is her compassion and understanding of the real needs of people. She has a vision for Ireland, a vision not confined to this room but a vision that encompasses all of Ireland and all of its people - not an abstract people but the people who come into our clinics every single day, including the nearly 9,000 people who have been on hospital trolleys in this year alone, the mother who has been turned down for carer's allowance because she is €2 over the limit and the couple in their 30s who want to save for a mortgage but whose extortionate rent means that they cannot save for a deposit. These are the people we stand for. These are the people we represent.
Mary Lou and we, as her team, are here to deliver on the politics that we believe in. We are not just here for Mercs and perks. We are here as a team that will deliver for people across Ireland, and a team led by Mary Lou.
This stands in absolutely stark contrast with what we have seen unfold here over the past number of days. Today, we see that we are only back from the holidays and the Government parties decided that we should go back on mid-term break.
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