Dáil debates

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Taoiseach a Ainmniú (Atógáil) - Nomination of Taoiseach (Resumed)


2:35 am

Photo of Catherine ArdaghCatherine Ardagh (Dublin South Central, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

Is mór an onóir dom agus tá an-áthas orm an Teachta Micheál Martin a ainmniú mar Thaoiseach inniu. Tá an t-ádh linn mar thír go bhfuil ceannaire socair, stuama agus trócaireach againn. Tá na tréithe seo riachtanach i ról an Taoisigh.

Deputy Micheál Martin has served the Irish people with honour and commitment during his distinguished career. He has overcome many challenges and shown himself to be one of the most important, influential and successful democratic representatives of these times. He has shown an unwavering belief in the value of working constructively, respecting others and seeking to solve problems, not to exploit them. He has shown a command of diverse public issues and the ability to respond to new concerns. He has shown that he has broad and deep support among the Irish people. Over the years, he has paid many visits to my constituency of Dublin South-Central. Away from the cameras he spent many hours talking at ease with communities about the issues facing them. He has always taken the time not just to listen but, importantly, to engage, understand and seek ways to help.

People see the sincerity and the commitment. As colleagues will confirm, Deputy Martin is the same wherever he goes and whomever he is meeting. This, above all, is what lies at the core of his connection with the Irish people and played a key role in Fianna Fáil's success in November's election. He has, above all, demonstrated that he will lead the new Government with determination and will strengthen our country's position in Europe and the world.

Having secured the most votes and the most seats in our free democratic election, he did not sit back and expect to be handed the Taoiseach's office. No, he showed respect for the mandates of other democratic representatives and led our party in detailed negotiations. He succeeded in securing a majority for a new Government based on an ambitious programme for moving our country forward. Surely the first qualification to serve as Taoiseach is to show the ability to work with people and build co-operation across political lines.

During Micheál Martin's time as Taoiseach, from June 2020, he served our country well at an historically difficult moment. He took office right at the height of the worst pandemic in modern times, with our hospitals full of patients with a virus we did not know how to prevent or treat and with hundreds of thousands of people unemployed. He was head of a very uncertain Government which many commentators predicted would find it almost impossible to function. Due in large part to his leadership, it was a focused and effective period of government. Members of that Government have confirmed that he operated a policy of working with all the Ministers on promoting action and policies irrespective of who would claim the credit. I have heard many stories from Ministers, senior and junior, that his door was always open to them and that he would help them overcome obstacles wherever they appeared.

Perhaps the greatest demonstration of Deputy Martin's approach to holding high office was seen as he worked tirelessly to secure a share of new vaccines, which were the key to restoring social and economic life. In Europe and globally he lobbied other leaders and businesses for Ireland. Every day, he pushed within his Government to develop an unprecedented programme that could rapidly distribute the vaccines. Once he succeeded in this, he then took his place in the queue along with his fellow citizens.

It is with full certainty that he has the character, the ability and the determination we need that I have the honour to second the motion.


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