Dáil debates

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

School Transport

11:00 am

Photo of Michael CollinsMichael Collins (Cork South West, Independent) | Oireachtas source

There are many other areas about school transport I could remind the Minister of. We have requested a larger bus or two mini buses for students in Larchfield going to Clonakilty. There are also issues in Rath National School and Laragh National School. There are lots of issues out there in relation to transport for children going to school. There are other issues such as Clogagh National School which is looking for construction of a classroom. Those are issues on which I could concentrate. However, there are 31 children who need a transport service from Bantry to Schull. I think I submitted this question on Friday so the Minister’s Department has had plenty of time to look and give a straight answer. She is not even mentioning the words Bantry to Schull in her answer. She is talking about the general rules that are laid out. Is the service going to be made available? I am asking a straight-up question: Yes or No? There is surely no greater thing to ask. Will there be a school bus service this September to give relief to the parents from Bantry who want their children to go to Schull Community College?


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