Dáil debates

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht (Atógáil) - Questions on Policy or Legislation (Resumed)


12:45 pm

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank Deputy Clarke very much for raising this important issue. My colleague, the Minister for Justice, is extraordinarily committed to adopting a zero-tolerance approach to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence. As the Deputy may know, as recently as last week we saw the establishment of Cuan, the new national agency to co-ordinate these efforts. I thank the people undertaking the work in Esker House. The delivery of more refuge beds is a priority for the Minister for Justice. Specifically regarding Esker House in County Westmeath, I will ask the Minister to revert to the Deputy directly.


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