Dáil debates

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Housing Provision

11:10 am

Photo of Jim O'CallaghanJim O'Callaghan (Dublin Bay South, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister for his answer. Two things have been apparent. First, a new plan was needed. When we came into government, we recognised that something needed to change. That is why the Government deserves to be commended on spending time on putting together a new plan, namely, as the Minister said, Housing for All.

Second, it is difficult and it is a slow process to turn around but, based on the statistics the Minister has given the House, it appears to be the case that things are improving. It is a difficult task and what will ultimately be the proof of the pudding will be the number of units constructed. According to the figures he has given, it is clearly the case that commencements and construction are up significantly. Any fair observer who goes around this city or around the country can see on the ground that there is significant development happening. In my constituency, an area I have spoken to the Minister frequently about is the glass bottle site. That is being constructed, and we just need to see more construction take place around the country.

Another issue which was not taken into account when the plan came into place was the dramatic rise in Ireland's population. Many people talk to us about how in the 1960s and the 1950s we were able to produce housing for our population. That was correct, and Fianna Fáil deserves a lot of credit for that. Unfortunately, however, back in the 1950s and the 1960s, we had a declining population. One of the extraordinary things about Ireland is the way the population is increasing so rapidly at present. Part of the reason for that is our economic success; people want to come here. It does, however, put huge pressure on the Minister and on his plan in terms of meeting the increased demand. Does he think, in light of the population and its increase, that he needs to look again at the targets as to what we require, or is it something he thinks the Housing for All plan at present is capable of dealing with?

I commend the Minister also on the policies that have been put in place for the first home scheme and the help-to-buy scheme. They have helped very many new buyers.


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