Dáil debates

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Common Security and Defence Policy

9:20 pm

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

-----and as the Deputy knows we have a position of non-alignment. We are not members of NATO, and we have no plans to join, and the Constitution prohibits any European Union common defence pact, or Ireland's participation in any EU common defence pact. There is a broader provision in the EU where EU member states may come to the assistance of another EU member state that comes under attack but that has never been defined in any great clarity as to how that would manifest itself. Suffice it to say, on the Report of the Commission on the Defence Forces, we acknowledge that we need to significantly improve capability in respect of our observation and control of maritime airspace and defence systems. We have a significant distance to go, although the two C295W aircraft we have recently purchased are a very significant addition in maritime surveillance from the air and there will be more.


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