Dáil debates

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

School Accommodation

9:40 pm

Photo of Joe O'BrienJoe O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Green Party) | Oireachtas source

As I have outlined, the Department has been engaging with this school regarding its application for additional accommodation. While the provision of a general purpose room is outside the scope of the additional school accommodation scheme, the Department has liaised with the school regarding the potential provision of accommodation for children with special educational needs. As Deputy Harkin will appreciate, the provision of school places, including for children with special educational needs, is a priority for the Department of Education and the NCSE, and the Department will continue to work to ensure there are sufficient special classes available to meet the needs of pupils in the Coola Cross school planning area and across County Sligo.

As is very often the case with Topical Issue matters, we learn a lot more when the Deputy presents the case in a little bit more detail. Deputy Harkin has set out some detail that I was not aware of that I can take back to the responsible Minister.


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