Dáil debates

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Heritage Sites

6:35 pm

Photo of Seán FlemingSeán Fleming (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

On the specific request for legal action to allow access for OPW staff, agents and visitors, there does not appear to be any legal grounds for this. I understand the sentiments of the Deputy. The compulsory purchase order, CPO, process is long and engaging. It would take a substantial period and we cannot be sure of the outcome. The purchase of land is an obvious option which is being pursued. The OPW has as its major objective for this project to improve the facilities in the grounds and not have overspill into adjoining properties, onto the main street and into the housing estates in the area. The further difficulty is that if access is not permitted, OPW staff cannot clean, maintain and service the house, including the toilets. The OPW has a duty when it has employees on the premises to have adequate facilities available. That is being compromised at the moment and it is making the situation difficult for staff.

All I can say is that we, through the OPW, have met community and elected representatives. The Deputy stated the case clearly here this evening to try to bring it to a conclusion. The OPW is willing to do so, but not at a ransom price when acting on behalf of taxpayers. That is one of the issues with land in private ownership. Most people, including the Deputy, will say there must be a limit and the taxpayer cannot be held to ransom in situations such as this one. The OPW will continue as best it can to liaise with all involved and to work towards a satisfactory conclusion, notwithstanding the current difficulties.


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