Dáil debates

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Family Law Cases

11:10 am

Photo of James BrowneJames Browne (Wexford, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I can assure the Deputy that the review is a priority for the Department. The voice of the child in court proceedings is essential to everything this Department does in terms of reviews. In relation to parental alienation, as the Deputy will be aware, my Department published a research report and policy paper on parental alienation on our website last May. Officials from the Department also briefed Oireachtas Members and stakeholder groups on the recommendations of the paper.

Both the paper and the report recognise that parental alienation is a highly contested and divisive concept. While there is little concrete information on the exact extent of accusations of parental alienation within the Irish courts, the research report found that, similar to other courts internationally, there appears to be an increase in claims of parental alienation in family law proceedings. It appears to arise particularly in custody and access disputes and in cases where allegations of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence feature. Despite the highly contested nature of the concept, there was consensus in the public consultation that the means to address parental alienation lie in improvements to the Irish family law courts and family justice system. The family justice strategy puts children at the centre of the system and emphasises the need to ensure they are listened to and heard and their views are given due regard. I can assure the Deputy that these are priority issues for us.


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