Dáil debates

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Family Law Cases

4:50 pm

Photo of Kieran O'DonnellKieran O'Donnell (Limerick City, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

On behalf of Minister for Justice, Deputy Helen McEntee, I thank Deputy Durkan for raising this matter. I will take the specific point raised by Deputy Durkan back to the Minister.

As the Deputy will also be aware, the Minister, Deputy McEntee, published the first family justice strategy in November 2022, which sets out a vision for a family justice system of the future. This will be a system that focuses on the needs and rights of children, a system that assists their parents in making decisions that affect all of the family, and a system that makes it easier for vulnerable parents and families to get support and make informed decisions. The strategy is foundational in nature, recognising the many issues that currently exist within the system but outlining the steps needed to move towards a family justice system that is streamlined and user-friendly, and which supports and protects children and their families.

The family justice strategy is ambitious and wide reaching and aims to achieve reform through the implementation of more than 50 actions across nine goals. It prioritises the needs and voice of the child and contains a number of actions that stress the importance of children and their needs in a reformed family justice system so that their voices are heard and views considered.

An examination is under way on the role of expert reports, including section 47 and 32 reports in the family law process, the commissioning and availability of these reports, their use and content, and the registration and other requirements of the various professionals providing these services.

I will ask about the specific point raised by Deputy Durkan. This will form part of this examination.


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