Dáil debates

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Ceisteanna - Questions

Departmental Bodies

4:10 pm

Photo of Paul MurphyPaul Murphy (Dublin South West, RISE) | Oireachtas source

Last week, I and others raised with the Taoiseach the treatment of Tesco.comworkers - those drivers and pickers who make the online store work, who pick up the produce in store and deliver it to people’s homes – and in particular the fact that these workers have had imposed on them unilaterally a change of their rosters which means some of them are down over €4,000 a year as well as having massive disruption to their plans including their family lives, childcare and so on.

Many Tesco workers shared the video of our engagement in the Dáil on their private social media pages. However, as a consequence of that and of other criticism, one worker, Patrick Reid, who works in Tesco in Naas as a driver received correspondence from Tesco summoning him to a disciplinary meeting for inappropriate material on a social networking site. This is his own personal Facebook page which he used to share a video from the Dáil and to criticise the behaviour of his employer for which he now faces a disciplinary meeting. At the very least, will the Taoiseach agree that workers should not be disciplined for what they post on their own social media pages and that they should be freely entitled to make criticism of their employer online and share videos from the Dáil?


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