Dáil debates

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions


12:10 pm

Photo of Charlie McConalogueCharlie McConalogue (Donegal, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I will certainly speak to the Minister for Health further on the issue of mental health supports. Like Deputy Cairns, I have met many young people who have been affected by scoliosis and know the massive challenge it presents in their lives. It is heartbreaking for all of us to see them waiting for the operation which would significantly change the course of their lives and provide them with this support and intervention they need.

As I outlined in my earlier answer, it is something the Government is taking seriously. It is ensuring the number of people working in this service, and the number of operations that can be done every year are significantly increased. By the end of last year, 509 scoliosis procedures had been carried out nationally, which was a 34% increase on the year before. We need to see that momentum and capacity significantly increased so that other children do not have the experience Ivy has had. I acknowledge that many young children, teenagers and young adults in this country are waiting for this operation. It is the objective, mission and work of the Government to ensure they can get that operation as quickly as possible.


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