Dáil debates

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

European Union Directive: Motion


5:05 pm

Photo of Richard Boyd BarrettRichard Boyd Barrett (Dún Laoghaire, People Before Profit Alliance) | Oireachtas source

A couple of people are interested then. It is difficult to know what to say about this motion because on the face of it, a motion that calls for consistency in the implementation of penalties for breaching sanctions adopted by the EU seems reasonable. We should have consistency if we make a decision, on principled grounds, to impose penalties or restrictive measures on a particular regime or group of individuals because we feel collectively they have done something wrong. It seems reasonable to have a consistent approach. The problem is that we do not have a consistent approach. We have an inconsistent approach which, when unpacked, reveals cynicism and double standards.

Senator Frances Black introduced a Bill calling for sanctions on trade between this country and the illegal settlements of the apartheid state of Israel on the West Bank. It was passed by this House but the Government made sure it will never become law. It is the case with not only the Irish Government but also the major European powers because they do not want to sanction Israel. In fact, in many cases, they want to support Israel and give it impunity for war crimes, crimes against humanity, illegal occupation, what is essentially internment of Palestinians, including young people, and for the illegal and criminal siege of Gaza. They do not want to impose sanctions even though, under international law, they would be entirely justified if not morally obliged to do so. No sanctions were imposed. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the UN special rapporteur on the Middle East all say there should be sanctions against Israel for war crimes, crimes against humanity, apartheid and the siege of Gaza. Yet, there are no sanctions and, in fact, the opposite is the case. Major European powers, including Britain, Germany and others, give Israel arms and weapons and the EU gives it special trade status.

It did it favours for breaking international law. Apparently, the European Union has found its moral compass when it comes to Ukraine. All of a sudden, the European Union is a champion of self-determination and opponent of illegal occupation. Undoubtedly, Putin is engaged in an illegal criminal war and occupation, war crimes and all of that. We must have sanctions, but not, apparently, against Israel for doing exactly the same thing for decades with European support. Where is the moral compass and consistency? There is, of course, none whatsoever.

When the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, where was the call for sanctions? To be honest, I would not have supported a call sanctions, even though some did at the time, because I do not blame the American people for what George Bush did in Iraq, but where is the consistency?


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