Dáil debates

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Covid-19 Pandemic

9:32 am

Photo of Frank FeighanFrank Feighan (Sligo-Leitrim, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

Many individuals in our country did so much during the pandemic and the Government and I are sincerely grateful to them for their commitment. It is appropriate that these public sector front-line healthcare workers get particular recognition. The Deputy is right that they exposed themselves to particular Covid-19 risks that did not exist in other working environments or for those working from home. The Deputy said they were asked to go into their jobs and they answered that call. They showed commitment and in essence they are front-line workers. I will continue to raise this within the Department and I will do so today because there is a recognition of the efforts of workers and volunteers and they were part of the general public response during Covid-19. There is a bank holiday but that is a permanent reminder for all the people of the efforts and sacrifices they made during the last two years. There is €1,000 going to many healthcare workers. There is another sector, however, and I will fight harder for them again today. I thank the Deputy for his contribution on this. People who care for those who are homeless or who use drugs did incredible work and I will raise that again through the Department as they should be recognised. I will talk to the various Ministers and Departments concerned to seek that they would be recognised.


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