Dáil debates

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Easing of Covid-19 Restrictions: Statements


4:17 pm

Photo of Michael Healy-RaeMichael Healy-Rae (Kerry, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I thank the people who worked in our nursing homes, community hospitals, large hospitals and regional hospitals. I thank all those who worked in the hospitality sector when it was allowed to stay open, and those who worked in shops that kept business going when that was allowed to keep going. I thank each and every one of them. I also thank the people involved in healthcare, such as those who provided home help, carers and individuals who visited homes in the most difficult of circumstances.

We need clarity with regard to the wearing of masks in the future. It is crazy that we have to wear them in shops but not in public houses. We need to know what we are and are not supposed to do.

Older people were kept separate from the rest of society, which was very hard on them. We need our hospitals to be able to open in a safe way for visits. We need to take care of people on waiting lists, who have had to play second fiddle all along, which we understand was necessary because of the Covid crisis. Most importantly, we need to acknowledge the families who lost someone during this crisis. We are all able to carry on now but we must reiterate to those who have lost relatives that we are so sorry for what happened to them, their families and the lovely and beautiful people who left before their time and who should be still here. Every time we have a debate in the House, we should remember those very important people.


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