Dáil debates

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Houses of the Oireachtas Commission: Motion

Cabinet Committees

3:35 pm

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

While I welcome the restrictions lifted last week, I have concerns about how people with medical cards are being looked after. I have been contacted by people with medical cards who were denied dental appointments. I sat with one elderly gentleman in my office last week and we went through a list of dentists together. We finally finding one in Carlow who sees patients under the General Medical Services, GMS, Contract. This is unacceptable.

Are there fees for Covid consultations with GPs? I have had a few phone calls about that issue. Now that society has reopened, it is important that people who want to see their GP about non-Covid-related illnesses can see them and are not waiting a long time for appointments. I acknowledge doctors' surgeries are doing their best. People who are waiting on hospital appointments, also non-Covid related, must get them as soon as possible.


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