Dáil debates

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Ceisteanna - Questions

Cabinet Committees

4:15 pm

Photo of Paul MurphyPaul Murphy (Dublin South West, RISE) | Oireachtas source

Why is the Government taking risks with children's health in our schools? Why is there no decision to have a CO2 monitor in every classroom? Why is there no decision to have high efficiency particulate air, HEPA, filters in classrooms? Why has the Government made the decision, which makes no sense to me whatsoever, to say something magical happens in a classroom which means the regular rules of contacts for Covid do not apply? If a child goes to a birthday party for half an hour with another child who has Covid, they count as a close contact and have to get tested. However, if they sit in a classroom in the same pod for a week with that same child, they do not count as a close contact. How does that make any sense?


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