Dáil debates

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Disability Services

11:05 pm

Photo of Anne RabbitteAnne Rabbitte (Galway East, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Deputies. Since yesterday, and to complete this work in a timely and safe manner, I have been informed by the HSE that the CDNT manager has increased the clinical resource in addition to the original allocation on a temporary basis from the existing team. I am also happy to confirm that the CEO of Enable Ireland, the HSE chief officer for the area, the disability head of services, and the CDNT, will schedule a meeting with the children's families separately to the meetings with the principal of Carmona in the coming weeks - within the next two weeks - to get the clear understanding, as articulated here this evening by the Deputies - and to see the parents in front of them. While they may not need to be made to understand perhaps they need to be re-informed and retold that this situation is not like everyone else. It is a little different. These are the most vulnerable. For a child to be in discomfort, he or she needs that additional help and assistance. They are dependent on more speech and language, physio and occupational therapies.

To be honest, I was fortunate that the Taoiseach supported me and the Minister Deputy Donnelly, in acquiring, mid-season, 85 additional therapist posts. I will not be found wanting for what is required to fill the gap in Carmona. Whatever the outcome, I just want an outcome from the HSE which is to tell me what the shortfall is so we can ensure delivery of services in Carmona and get on with delivering services and rolling out the PDS model.


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