Dáil debates

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Industrial Relations (Provisions in Respect of Pension Entitlements of Retired Workers) Bill 2021: Second Stage [Private Members]


10:27 am

Photo of Pauline TullyPauline Tully (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I am very happy to support this Bill to give pensioners a greater say in how their pension benefits, to which they paid into while working, are determined. Many workers have contributed to pension funds while working and from which their pensions are now paid. However, as soon as they retire or, at the most, six months thereafter, they no longer have any say in the terms and conditions around their pensions. Changes can be made with very little warning and no consultation with those in receipt of pensions.

I commend Deputy Bríd Smith on bringing forward this Bill. It is very important to give people who worked so hard for many years in this country a say over their future and to allow them to access the Workplace Relations Commission if the terms and conditions of their pension change without their say.

People need security for the future.

I have been contacted by retired members of various organisations, particularly former employees of the ESB, in regard to this matter. The issue of pensions needs to be dealt with comprehensively by the Government and decisions need to be taken rather than continually kicked down the road. Community employment, CE, supervisors have been denied the right to secure pension entitlements, an issue that was ruled on by the Labour Court in 2008. That ruling found in favour of the supervisors and that the Department responsible for the scheme should grant supervisors pension entitlements, but, 13 years later, this has still not happened. Shame on the Governments, led by both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, since that time. CE schemes throughout the country were to the fore in responding to the Covid crisis by helping with the Community Call and many other matters. Unlike the majority of the sector, their contracts with the Department of Social Protection state that they are not able to continue working until they are 70 years of age. An offer was made to them recently, which the unions are considering, but the feedback I am getting is not positive.

I fully support the Bill. Retired people should have a say in respect of their pension entitlements.


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