Dáil debates
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate
Prison Service
9:42 am
Frank Feighan (Sligo-Leitrim, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I am pleased to inform the Deputy that a vaccination programme commenced on 9 June on a prison-by-prison basis, with vaccinations administered by the National Ambulance Service, supported by the Irish Prison Service healthcare teams, to all prisoners and unvaccinated staff under 40 years of age. The Minister of State understands that this has been a very difficult time for prisoners and their families. I understand the impact the loss of family contact has had on prisoners.
The Deputy mentioned nursing homes. My mother is resident in a nursing home and we have had the same issues. It has been reassuring to see them reopen but there remain difficulties in regard to visits.
The Irish Prison Service has worked tirelessly to safeguard prisoners and staff, and this continues to be the primary consideration. It must continue to ensure the prison population is protected from the virus and it is continuing to make use of alternative means of keeping prisoners and their families connected. It is the intention that the Prison Service retain the use of video visits post Covid, so families will have the option of video or physical visits, which will beneficial to families, especially those who need to travel long distances.
The Minister for Justice has asked me to reassure the Deputy that the new framework for unwinding prison restrictions, which, as I said, will be published later this month by the Irish Prison Service, will provide clarity for both prisoners and their families as to when visits and religious services can begin again.
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