Dáil debates
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate
Health Services
9:32 am
Frank Feighan (Sligo-Leitrim, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I thank the Deputy again for raising this issue, for her awareness of it and her understanding that it is a particularly challenging time for the health system, which has experienced severe pressure from the impact of Covid, exacerbated by the ransomware attack.
It is important to put on the record the enormous efforts of all staff at this time. The Department of Health does not have full access to information on the impact of the ransomware attack on waiting lists but will provide an update as soon as one is available. According to the most recent information available, as of 13 May, there were 29 children on CHI’s outpatient lists waiting for a pain relief appointment. Notwithstanding the challenges, I know CHI's priority is to ensure a sustainable pain management service is in place to meet the needs of all children.
CHI has advised it is intended that the new model of care would be in place by the end of this month. It also has confirmed that its pain team has been engaging with all patients using the service and that all new and existing service users have been informed of the change of service model. I understand the engagement with service users has included a questionnaire, which will help the service to triage patients. CHI has advised patients are being actively triaged. During this time, CHI has confirmed that all service users have access to the clinical nurse specialists and advanced nurse practitioners who are available to address urgent queries under the governance of the pain consultant. Service users will be contacted with appointments once the new model of care is in place.
I look forward to the Deputy’s email and I will pass it on to the Minister and get the answers the Deputy seeks.
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