Dáil debates

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Care of the Elderly

8:10 pm

Photo of Pauline TullyPauline Tully (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I welcome the fact that the Minister of State, Deputy Butler, has asked officials to give this model of care more consideration to determine if an expansion of the scheme is warranted. That is good news. However, the issues I have outlined need to be addressed for those who are currently providing care under the scheme. Providers of boarding out facilities are currently working for less than the minimum wage. They are doing an immensely important job in helping our older generation to continue living in the community and ensuring they have the independence to do the things they wish to do. Providers, as well as providing a bed and meals, often bring people for appointments, collect their prescriptions and some are even cutting hair at the moment.

The HSE does not promote this form of care. I looked at the HSE website under "Services for Older People" but it is not mentioned or if it is, it is well hidden. Nursing homes are on the website but I could not find any reference to boarding out facilities. Alone supports this model of care, as referenced in its report, Housing Choices for Older People in Ireland - Time for Action, published in 2018. Alone believes a demand for up to 750 places could be met if the provision of this service was replicated across all CHO areas. Obviously, regulation and monitoring would be required and tax exemptions would be needed for providers to make this scheme more attractive. At the time of the report's publication, there were only 51 people boarded out but many people do not know this facility exists.

The average cost annually to the State for boarding out facilities ranges from €8,000 to €9,000 per person per year, while nursing home care costs approximately €50,000. These are approximate figures and there will be differences from region to region but the savings to the State could be in the region of €30,000 per person. I wonder why this option is not being promoted more. I appreciate that it will not suit everybody but there are many for whom it would be ideal. Many older people living at home without proper supports often end up in nursing homes because their health fails due to their inability to care for themselves. If this option was available, it would avoid that outcome. While boarding out will not suit everyone, it should be an option that more people can consider.


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