Dáil debates

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Ceisteanna (Atógáil) - Questions (Resumed) - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Technological Universities

11:55 pm

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Deputy for raising this matter and for the conversations we have had on it recently. I know the Deputy sees the benefit of the technological universities, as do I, not just from an educational point of view, which is massive, but also from the points of view of regional development and job creation. I already know there are companies in the Deputy's region that cite the availability of highly qualified graduates as a key draw to the region. If we can increase that even further, it can only be good for Tipperary and the mid-west.

As the Deputy knows, the development and progression of technological universities is a firm policy objective of the Government and is clearly underscored by commitments in the programme for Government. The 2019 technological universities research network report details the case and requirements for a step change in higher education reform whereby technological universities will assist in the delivery of national strategic objectives for regional socioeconomic development, higher education access and research and skills progression. The idea that all roads must lead to some big city is a mindset we need to move away from when it comes to access to higher education.

On foot of that report, the Government announced in budget 2020 the provision of €90 million over the next three years under a new transformation fund to support institutes of technology to jointly achieve technological university designation.

On 7 October I, along with the HEA, announced Exchequer funding of €34.33 million for the progression and development of technological universities nationally. The AIT and LIT consortium, which the Deputy referenced, was allocated €5 million in this first funding allocation and in total has received €7 million since 2019. Further funding allocations will be made under the transformation fund in the period to 2023. Under the statutory framework detailed in the Technological Universities Act 2018, it is a matter in the first instance for the relevant institutes of technology participating in a consortium to progress their plans and, when ready, to make an application to me seeking an order establishing a technological university subject to their jointly meeting the eligibility criteria.

I want to acknowledge that Athlone IT and Limerick IT have been working very hard since 2019 on proposals to achieve technological university status. In this context, my Department understands that the development consortium is aiming to make a submission in accordance with the requirements of the Act in the coming weeks.


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