Dáil debates

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Healthcare Policy

5:25 pm

Photo of Darren O'RourkeDarren O'Rourke (Meath East, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I will address this matter in the context of maternity services and appointments. Speaking on my own behalf, I am very happy to say my wife is 40 weeks pregnant plus one week and her due date was yesterday. We have lived with these restrictions in place at the Rotunda hospital just like everybody else. We would rather if it was different.

I am grateful that the pregnancy is progressing well. Deputy Cullinane can speak about the other side of this issue. I am also grateful that this is not our first child. People's first experience of pregnancy, especially of a difficult pregnancy, is very difficult. We have heard that from "Liveline" with Joe Duffy and we read it in our local newspapers. Things are really difficult for people in those situations. I am not speaking on my own behalf but on behalf of people facing additional challenges, risks, anxiety or other strains. Any measure that can be taken on compassionate grounds on a case-by-case basis is very important.


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