Dáil debates
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions
Covid-19 Pandemic Supports
10:50 am
Gary Gannon (Dublin Central, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source
This is a very specific matter regarding how we will confront the fact that poverty has been exacerbated during the pandemic. Poverty has a corrosive impact on people in every walk of life. We have had roadmaps but they have consistently missed their targets over the past ten years. What is being asked for by groups such as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and other social justice groups is for special attention to be placed on matters of poverty and inequality. One group I am thinking of is that comprising one-parent families. As the Minister mentioned, one-parent families have benefited from the PUP but this group is the most statistically at risk of poverty. If we are telling the recipients of the PUP that they must actively seek work, we must realise that one-parent families cannot access childcare. How would a common-sense approach work for those in that cohort if they go to social welfare offices?
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