Dáil debates
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate
Life Insurance Policies
2:40 pm
Pat Deering (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
The Minister of State's last few sentences sum up the point I was trying to make. I may not have made it forcefully enough in the first place. There is inherent unfairness in what we are discussing. This couple have obviously worked hard all their lives. They are now aged 90 and 86 and at the end of their lives. They were planning for those end-of-life expenses. Most people approaching that stage of life like to have a certainty for themselves. They do not want to have to leave bills for those coming after them. They were planning for that and doing what they were told to do. Now, as the Minister of State accepts, they are being unfairly treated by an insurance company.
This is not an isolated incident. Many people in similar situations are being crucified as a result of living too long. They have paid in an enormous amount of money already - more than the cover they required 35 years ago. Now because they want to pay the same amount of money, they are being crucified for doing so. Going to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman may be an option for them, but at this stage is it fair to ask a couple aged 90 and 86 to pursue this case through that process? There must be a fairer and more equitable way of doing so. At this stage in their lives, they want a bit of comfort and not to have to go through a process of hassle and hardship dealing with these people who effectively do not want to deal with them.
I thank the Minister of State for coming to the House to discuss the matter and accepting that there is an issue here. Is there a deficit in legislation that could be addressed to deal with this matter in future? In addition to this present issue, there are people who are younger than this couple and who may have to endure the same difficulty in coming years. That should be looked at from a legislative point of view.
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