Dáil debates

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

An tOrd Gnó (Atógáil) - Order of Business (Resumed)


3:35 pm

Photo of Eugene MurphyEugene Murphy (Roscommon-Galway, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I will read the Taoiseach a short quotation from the 2016 programme for Government. It states: "Many farmers are experiencing challenges arising out of volatility in the market and this is in some cases further impacted by difficult farming conditions". Since then Brexit has very much come onto the agenda and is of concern to the farming community. In that regard, I welcome the announcement by Commissioner Phil Hogan of support for the beef sector in particular. As we all know, many thousands of jobs are linked to the agriculture industry. Can we have a clear statement that the Government will give €50 million to support the €50 million from the EU? How quickly will we see this particular project put in place? As the Taoiseach probably knows, many in the farming industry are at a very difficult juncture.


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