Dáil debates

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Defence Forces Reserve

11:40 am

Photo of Paul KehoePaul Kehoe (Wexford, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

The Chief of Staff has appointed a director of the Reserve, as I stated in my original reply. That shows the commitment from the Permanent Defence Forces and the value they place on the Reserve but it is up to the units on the ground to encourage members to apply, to join and to become members of the Reserve as well. When I speak to my colleagues across Europe, they all have the very same issue with the Reserve and the number of people who apply for the Reserve Defence Forces is not the same as would have applied previously. I have stated at the committee on numerous occasions that if members have any ideas around encouraging young people to join the Reserve Defence Forces they should make them known because people have received fabulous opportunities due to being members of the Reserve Defence Forces. Those people do not want to join the PDF but they want to be members of the RDF. They show the leadership skills and learn specific skills in different areas that they might not otherwise be able to get.


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