Dáil debates

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Respite Care Services

11:25 am

Photo of Finian McGrathFinian McGrath (Dublin Bay North, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I thank Deputy Pringle for raising this very important issue. Again, I stress that this Government's ongoing priority is the safeguarding of vulnerable people in the care of the health service. We are committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives. Earlier this year, the Government provided an extra €10 million to the HSE to allow it to open 12 additional respite houses across each community health organisation area. When fully operational, these houses will provide 19,000 extra overnight stays and 2,520 home sharing nights annually. Approximately €2 million of that extra money is being targeted at alternative respite services. These practical and important solutions which include extended day services, summer camps and Saturday clubs are making a difference to families across the country.

In response to Deputy Pringle's specific question, I am informed by the HSE that the executive owns Seaview House respite home in Mountcharles, County Donegal, and has no plans to transfer ownership of the facility to a third party. The HSE is engaging a third party provider to deliver respite services at Seaview House because of ongoing challenges in providing a consistent service. These challenges have resulted in a considerable reduction in the amount of respite care available to service users in south Donegal. This is relevant in the context of the issues raised by Deputy Pearse Doherty earlier.

The tender process is now complete and a provider has been identified to deliver this care. The HSE is confident that this new arrangement will be in place by the first quarter of 2019. There will be a planned transfer from the HSE to the new provider to minimise disruption to services and to ensure continuity of care. I assure the Deputy that I will keep a close eye on this matter.


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