Dáil debates
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions
Services for People with Disabilities
11:05 am
Finian McGrath (Dublin Bay North, Independent) | Oireachtas source
I do not dispute the issue. There are problems in the Deputy's area, as well as in counties Kildare, Kerry, Wexford and Cork. That is the reality. What we must do is try to put the resources in place and fix the problems. I managed to secure an extra €150 million for disability services in budget 2019. I give the House a commitment that we are sitting down to finalise the HSE's service plan for 2019 and that I have put early intervention and speech and language services among my top five priorities. Of course, I face issues such as the provision of emergency residential places and personal assistance hours, but I have put the issues of assessment of needs and speech and language therapy services at No. 1 in the discussions. That process will be completed in the next week to ten days and we will I hope have something in that regard. We have an issue that we must resolve. We must ensure there is investment and that staff are provided. The earlier one intervenes for a child with any disability, the better it is in the long term. It is good for the family and the child, but it is also good for the Exchequer in the provision of public funding.
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