Dáil debates
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions
Neuro-Rehabilitation Policy
10:55 am
Margaret Murphy O'Mahony (Cork South West, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source
I will hold the Minister of State to that. He will forgive me for being slightly suspicious that this may not happen. We have been given several dates already and I will hold him to this one. There are only a few more sitting days before the House adjourns for Christmas. Time is flying and I ask the Minister to do his best to work on this matter.
The national policy and strategy for the provision of neuro-rehabilitation services was published in December 2011. Since then, there has been no new investment in community neuro-rehabilitation services. At least one team should operate in each of the nine community health organisations. However, we still have only three teams, the same number as in 2011, and they are only partially staffed. The HSE has established a critical pilot project for the development of neuro-rehabilitation services in CHO 6 and 7 and appointed a project manager. However, that project cannot proceed effectively without dedicated funding in 2019.
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