Dáil debates

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Other Questions

National Dementia Strategy

11:40 am

Photo of Jim DalyJim Daly (Cork South West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

We are effectively saying the same thing but, to be fair, I am not sure that people do not understand the situation. Given dementia's unfortunate and increasing prevalence, the incredible number impacted includes people who are making decisions at senior levels within the Department and HSE.

However, I take the Deputy's point that this must be a priority for resourcing. The battle is on for the budget, which I hope will be before the House in October. I accept full responsibility for the need to ensure that dementia will be a top priority in next year's health budget. I look forward to whatever support comes from the Deputy's party. Strength and leadership has been shown by Deputies Butler, Calleary and Lisa Chambers and other Members who have a stake in ensuring that we get this right. I will play my part and co-operate in full.


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