Dáil debates

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

Leader Programmes Funding

10:30 am

Photo of Michael RingMichael Ring (Mayo, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

The European Commission has proposed, as part of the multi-annual financial framework, MFF, for 2021 to 2027, that approximately €78.8 billion would be allocated for rural development funding over the next seven-year period. I understand that this equates to approximately €1.85 billion for Ireland and represents a reduction in the region of 15% on the current funding period. It should be noted that the proposal published by the European Commission is the initial MFF proposal. The final outcome will be determined by negotiations at EU level over the coming year. Achieving Ireland's priorities in these negotiations will be a key issue for the Government.

The matter has been discussed by the Government and work is well under way to achieve a satisfactory outcome from negotiations. I, together with my Government colleagues, will carefully monitor progress in these negotiations at EU level over the coming months. A decision regarding the level of funding required for the various elements of Ireland's rural development programme, including Leader, can only be made following the conclusion of the overall MFF negotiations. I assure the Deputy that I will continue to strongly defend the Leader budget as the MFF negotiation progresses.


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